"Do you know someone who is in danger of being 'left behind' because of a sinful life? Imagine if you could write a letter to a friend or loved one after the Great Day of Reckoning. Maybe a message to your family telling them to trust in God, and that everything will be okay. Perhaps you would leave instructions to care for your pets after your departure. It could be that your message is the light that opens a sinner's eyes to the Glory of God and allows them entrance to Heaven during the trials before the Second Coming. This is where the Post-Rapture Post comes in."
I read this on an atheist site called Post Rapture Post. As an atheist site it's owners promise to hand deliver letters written by saved Christians to loved ones left behind after the Rapture. They don't fool me.
Any right thinking Christian knows that atheists are morally inferior and could not be trusted to keep the smallest of promises let alone one of such importance.
Secondly, what if these atheists repent of their sins and are saved? No man is beyond redemption and a deathbed conversion would be a typical, shabby atheist trick.
I will not be parting with my cash.