Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lipstick on a pig

"Lipstick on a pig" means to dress something up as beautiful but it remains the same. Barack Obama was talking about John McCain's economic policy at the time but somehow it became an attack on McCain's running mate Sarah Palin.

The somehow was a party machine intent on dirty tricks and the controversy is one of those straw man smears the American Right loves to instigate. Truth is not a strong point in American politics, as far as I can see, and this week's offenders are the Republican Party. Next week I have no doubt it will be the Democrats.

One thing is for sure, anyone looking for change at the White House will have a hard time finding it. To me it looks like the same old, same old. The Republican candidate is too stupid to understand a simple expression.

Holy cow! ............ which is an expression used in America to show their veneration of the cow as a God, I believe.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's funny how ........

It's funny how when you're faced with a blank piece of paper all the things that were in your head fly away into the heavens and are lost. That is why this blog entry is so short.