Wednesday, March 07, 2007

David Copperfield Chased By Cops?

The driver of this car is not David Copperfield but certainly behaves like him when it comes to tricking the viewer.

Cops want to pull over the driver for a minor offence and instead of stopping he takes off at high speed. Police follow in hot pursuit and chase him around town.

It has all the ingredients of one of those "idiot tries to escape the law and writes off his car and himself" videos that we see regularly.

This one is different. Watch it through to the end and you will see that he appears to drive through a fence without leaving a hole or any sort of damage.

David Copperfield would have been proud of that piece of trickery and the cops now call it the "ghost car".

I won't be losing sleep wondering if there are ghost cars around though. But it's a nice little puzzle.

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