Monday, January 15, 2007

Spongebob Mountain - The love that dare not speak its name

The love that dare not speak its name has made into the pre-school kids market.

I haven't seen Spongbob Squarepants cos I haven't been three years old for a long time. And I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain cos I don't like cowboy movies. (Seriously, I could watch a gay love story but when it comes to cowboys - bliiiaaaggghhh!)

Anyway this little trailer is very funny and if you think you'll be offended then don't watch it. And if you watch it after that warning and are offended then you're an idiot.

Anyway some kid's shows have sexual undertones if you look hard enough. Didn't the British show, Captain Pugwash, have characters called Master Bates and Seaman Stains? (No, actually - but it's funny how we remember things wrongly)

And then there's "Rainbow", the classic British children's series from the 1970s and 1980s. It would be great if this was a broadcast episode and nobody realised how much innuendo they were using. But it was never broadcast and was a tape put together for a laugh and then leaked - it was internet media's gain when it was.

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