Friday, January 12, 2007

Wii Wii Wii - All the Way Home

Like a lot of the world's kids - the big ones as well - a girlfriend's son got a Wii for Christmas. Whoopee! - I just couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

Sadly my chance to show my prowess had to wait a week - when I visited he was in his room with his friends playing with it (his Wii, I mean).

The following week the kids were banished and the adults could try it out and it just shows how badly out of shape we must be. I'm glad I knocked out my boxing opponent in two rounds cos I think I would have collapsed in the third - not virtually but for real.

So there is speculation that this new development could mean couch potato gamers might actually get some exercise. Somehow I doubt it - let's face it some are so lazy they will simply choose games need little movement. The golf game on the Wii basic package can be played with one hand if you are want.

Another thing - I can see a new phenomenon in doctor's surgeries. Sports injuries from playing Wii too much. It's very possible - I felt a twinge in my arm the next day just from playing tennis so a really dedicated player could get a bad case of Wii elbow.

Anyway all of this blabbering is just an excuse to include a little video from the wonderful people at You Tube.


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